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February 26, 2011


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She's every bit as lovely in her snowy setting and garland.


That is so beautiful -- her snowy cap, your words -- the impulse and urge behind it all --


I am not Catholic either but have always loved to look at images and statues of Mary. This one is so lovely-with her snowy halo-beautiful! I have joined in today too.

Magical Mystical Teacher

Thank you, Rebecca, for Postcards from Paradise. May our gathering here bring us closer to each other--and to paradise!


You are so talented! If I had half your talent I'd be..... I'd be.... I'd be....a very talented person.

Have a great week, Boonie


My Sunday spiritual tradition...shooting the white light and Sunday Morning on CBS...


Kim andersen

Thank you for the extension of grace and solace .... You are so dear .... My postcard is certainly a fleeting one .... The red you are wondering about is a reflection of my red sweater in the glass .... My picture was taking from inside the car .... One of my favor.rite viewing places of the world speeding past

Kim Mailhot

Keeping the focus on the beauty and the love in our crazy, chaotic, world in crisis is a huge challenge yet I know it is our work to be done while we are here. Proof of it comes every time I manage to keep my attention there, on the good...the miracles appear every time.

Sue fox

Sharing, caring, extending the love lines that's the antidote,

I'm embracing Postcards from Paradise!

Sue x


Thank you dear rebecca for your lovely postcards from paradise. Mary has been a source of light and strength for those of many faiths throughout the centuries.

Miss Robyn

this is beautiful - your words, as always inspire my soul to leap towards joy!
I adore Mary. ADORE.

I feel the weight of loss deep in my soul.. I feel for our Mother and that is why I wish to begin to help heal her.
I have added the link for you.. but mine as you know is not a postcard.. or one photo - but many of a fantastic day helping to begin to heal Mother Earth.


joining you...


Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for telling me! I don't like not being able to visit someone who has been kind enough to comment and I couldn't find an Adrian anywhere!


coming back once again, to read, to see your beauty, and to wish you well... oh how i wish i could wish you well... pray you well. may you know light as this day draws into night, and may you wake to renewal in the morning...


How radiantly lovely and full of solace is the madonna with her mantilla of freshly fallen snow. She is the open heart of the world, ready to embrace the weary and the marginalized, giving all a place of belonging. She is the Great Mother. This is a beautiful, gentle and loving tribute to Our lady of light.
I have finally posted. It took me some time to put it together. I hope it gives people some joy and solace.

deb taylor

yes, Rebecca, we do need each other.Thank you for this space and opportunity to come together and support each other. I love this place to come share our own individual pictures of paradise


I just wrote a post this morning re my yesterday's excitement
your snow virgin pictures are awesome!
one day will surprise with a haiku
jus be patient ;-)

Dawn Elliott

When we arose on Sunday morning to 10" of powdery snow, Steve called my attention to our Madonna having a snowy cap, as well! The image is so pure...thanks for capturing it for all to contemplate!

Maija lepore

I am inspired and encouraged by your words my friend!!

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