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February 17, 2011


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Hi Rebecca! I love the image and your words, as usual. We seem to come from a shared aesthetic. I love that idea as a basis for community. Missed you all over the last couple of weeks!


Hello Rebecca,
Enjoyed your words so very much!
They are always so uplifting and feels just like the soothing comfort, of a child cradled in his mother's arm.
Happy weekend to you!!


Lovely sentiment. Thanks.

Have a great weekend, Boonie

Sue fox

I'm off to paint my daughter's walls this morning, though I have this pulling, anchoring after the sublime, lingering in the moments ...

I'm tearing myself away ... be back soon to bask ...

Love you Rebecca,
Sue x


Thank YOU, Rebecca for bringing our Haiku thoughts together each and every week. I so look forward to reading words and thoughts that are "snapshots" of life. Your picture reminds me of an angel standing to the side perhaps speaking to a small bird on the right whose wing is but a shadow. The guardian angel seems to be saying, "Take flight, and know I am here!" Each Haiku is so special because it can bring a different message to each reader.:) Happy painting!

deb taylor

Rebecca, thank you for continuing to weave this fabric of friendship together each and every haiku week. your photo is stunning and words powerful. ~simple gestures, quiet awakenings and deep living~ ahhh, deep sigh


Rebecca, - the shadows that speak to us - the community we build - all moments to savor. thank you!

Grammy E

Hi Rebecca, Thank you too, for sharing your heartfelt words. : )


I sometimes have a hard time figuring out beautiful photos like this, but I saw the wing of an angel right away today. Maybe read the words of an angel as well, as what you say is also a thing of beauty.
I, too, feel the goodness of everyone sharing on Friday. You brought us together and I am grateful. Thank you Rebecca.


Kim Mailhot

You always give such sweet reminders to live life deeply. I love our gatherings here very much. Thank you for providing this space.
Light and Love !


Good Morning Rebecca,
Being a student of Jungian psychology, I love the idea of a shadow speaking to anyone, particularly one's own. I realize that may not be what you were intending here;nevertheless,my friend, that is what I perceived. I love the red wall as well and the image of the angel "fleeting shadow/crimson wall." It is beautiful, soft and almost prophetic.

Magical Mystical Teacher

Thank goodness we all hear those soft whisperings...


It is the simple thing that ultimately makes such a difference.

lovely to be part of it



I like the idea of a shadow speaking to me Rebecca-especially and angel shaped one! I miss haiku my heart but have not written any for ages. I love reading yours though!
Have a lovely weekend! x


What beautiful prose and photo... Simply gorgeous and spiritual...


An intriguing image... and the invitation to live more deeply is, of course, perfect timing.

But I've come to expect no less. ;)


Margaret Pangert

Hi Rebecca!
Thank you so much for this lovely opportunity to share!
I was really moved by your haiku and echoing illustration. So gentle, fragile, intimate, loving: I could express it in maybe a million words, but you conveyed it all in seventeen syllables! ♥

In posting my "haiku my heart" link, I see I inadvertently entered myself twice in a row. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will be able to fix it. So sorry...

ms pie

quiet awakenings.... yes, yes, yes... everything and more of what they've all sed above.. you speak of shadow i speak of wind... as always a most wonderful circle of poetic friends as we wander weekly toward a wonderful place... thank you all..

Gloria Y

sigh...must have previewed and not posted what all I said before which I cannot remember, just happy to have this to look forward to as I learn how sweet cyberspace can be. Thank you, Rebecca. crimson walls echos of cinnamon sandstone canyons carved by winds of angel wing


rebecca only a heart that is fully awake can communicate deeply with soft shadow gestures.
How blessed we are to have you here to remind us to be more present.


Spirtual awakenings. She is beautiful and I remember her from your previous posts. Her spirit will always live on. ::hugs::

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