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February 24, 2011


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kissed and wanted and drowning in honey-
how beautiful.
It is supposed to snow here in San Francisco too!
Weird- I would much rather enjoy warm honey and sunshine.

Grammy E

Thank you for brightening my moment too. Sending a big hug and lots of love.


This is so sweet.....
Lovely post. Thanks.
Wonderful HMH thingie. Thanks again.

Have a great weekend, Boonie


I am reminded by your sweet and honey'd post of the Secret Life of Bees and your talk of the long winter and the dream of Spring and a field of Sun Warm flowers reminds me of the heroine's wonderful line when she realizes that she,like the bees, has been living in a contained situation for way too long, and she, like the bees, has always had the possibility for both freedom and release right in front of her. "Lily Melissa~Your Jar is Open!"


Just wanted to say I love you because I didn't say that in the last comment.


So mouth watering! Where is that picture from? I can see why you would want to stare at it in the face of all the snow. Stay warm-and sweet! x


yummy and soul warming - so lovely to see and carry with me today! I will be back to see all the other lovely haikus.

Sue fox

Can't wait until they're busy buzzing around my lavender, the dogs trying to catch them and me being concerned they'll get stung on the nose!

Such is the cycle of life and all the sweeter now I share sweet nectar here!

Love to you Rebecca

Sue x


Honey, YUM!!! Such a sweet post with the promise of warmth for upcoming days. Hugs, Rebecca, on this Haiku Friday! :)Marilyn

deb taylor

drowning in honey and sunshine with you would set the world on fire! Come see my sunny world


Reminds me of one of my favorite Taj Mahal songs, "Queen Bee". Also of my favortie recent Taj Mahal moment.
We might be in some rain out here on the coast. Winter roaring as it has to leave soon, so the circle can continue. All good.
I gotta start using honey a little more often, that looks so good!

Peace, Love and Hugs

Ms. Moon

Warm as honey here.
The trees burst with every bud
Every day new life.


your sweetness shines thru
whilst i did swipe some for me.
hope you do not mind.


Brilliant sweet message of hope.


this is such a sweetly summer-rich haiku. i've been a bit haiku-dry these days... but still enjoying yours : )

Karen D

love the sweet honey summer feeling this gives me.


honey!!!! I have never...what an incredible image. Warms my heart for sure as I watch yet another little snow squall cover us in a couple of inches.


Meri @ Meri's Musings and Playing Along

sweet amber liquid
distilled from hive's honeycombs
the regal queen reigns


Sweet so sweet honey
Nectar gold; ambrosia tea
Petals attract bees

That was the sweetest theme for today Rebecca and I drowned in this Sweet Haiku myself :) Yummy and lip smacking!!

Gloria Y

a bit overwhelmed by all manner of cold
I am grateful to have my attention redirected all manner of warm and sweet are here as well

thank you once friday, I really need to haiku my heart

Margaret Pangert

Rebecca, your imagery is just so sensuous and rich! It makes me want to luxuriate in a hot-tub vat of honey! I think how lucky we are to still have the bees; sometimes there is a fear that they are disappearing... Love, Margaret

Margaret Pangert

Hi Rebecca~ So sorry, but I had the same problem entering my name in Mr. Linky's "haiku my heart friday" participant list. Just No. 24 should remain (23 is incorrect and 25 is an extra). Promise I won't do it again! Love and bon week-end, Margaret

Grammy E

Thank you so much Rebecca. I now have a smile. . May I ask a favor of you. My daughter entered me in a free bathroom remodel. with a local news paper. I put the link to vote on my side bar and added it to my post. If you would please vote. My daughter and I are both passing it on face book in hope of others passing it to there friends to vote too.
Thank you so much.


Lovely Haiku Rebecca!
You are very talented in your weaving of words! And compassion of others. These are the pronounced traits I see in you~
Happy Weekend~


Good evening, Honey.

(Couldn't resist. Too easy. ;) )

Magical Mystical Teacher

As a former beekeeper, I am ecstatic that you have chosen this sweet image to share with us! Thank you for the opportunity to remember the "stings and arrows of outrageous fortune" (apologies to Shakespeare!)as well as honey-drenched pancakes on cold winter mornings.

ms pie

overwhelming to think it's gonna be at least another 2-3 months before i can do any digging... love the sentiment, the warmth the upcoming spring sensation... thank you... can't live without honey on hand...

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