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« a virgin a day | Main | a virgin a day »

December 02, 2010


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Fran aka Redondowriter

Oh boy, I had already prepared my post, but I will delay my choice and go back to do Haiku my Heart.

How enlightening all this is for me personally.

Fran aka Redondowriter

Whoops. I now realize I didn't have to do Haiku My Heart, but my post is a combo of A Virgin a Day and Haiku My Heart.

This neon version of Mary is muy spectacular.


I have missed you too! Life has been too busy. I am so sad that I wasn't able to prepare for this special Virgen Haiku! I am such a lover of all things Virgen de Guadalupe! Maybe I will post later. I love your neon Virgen. Inspired electric.


Two worlds collide.... - Gentleman Jim Reeves could have expressed it no better.

Thanks for making this internet gig such huge amounts of fun for us all.
Take care.

Very best wishes to you from Boonie and Mrs S


And not just fun: an uplifting experience that I look forward to all week: a MEME amongst memes, which my search for more memes cannot better.
I am struggling for a word to describe your past week's offerings, hovering between cacophany, treasure trove, ephemeral funfair or kaleidoscope. They all ring bells and shake like tremblingly adorned xmas trees. An experience beyond the norm, certainly my own norm.


I did it wrong.
Never been this confused on line before
Sorry. No virgin on offer here. The church in our village closed this summer. First the shop, then the post office, then the social club, then the police house, now the church. The infastructure in decline. The pub is still open of course. Don't get me started...


A lovely haiku. The illuminated Virgin Mary has it's own beauty doesn't it? Was this picture taken in LA? Have a wonderful day!


i did not do a virgin post - but love yours. Worlds colliding indeed!


Hi, Rebecca! My post is a nature post. Your illuminated Virgin Mary is so special for the season!!! Happy Haiku Friday! :)

Sue fox

Hi all, I'm super excited today because I'm off to the BIG CITY, I'll be searching for some 'Neon Virgins' or otherwise in London.

I'll be visiting all the beauty of Haiku & Virgins later, and will be sure to comment next week.

Neon Virgin whatever next!

Rebecca you light up my life,

love you Sue x

Molokai Girl

Every day it is a new level of "wow"! What a really neat rendition of the Virgin a la banner/mosaic/modern style! Liking it a lot.
I agree with Boonie. Such a spectacular collection of offerings this week by you and everyone else.
I am in awe. Once again.

Ms. Moon

And me with no pictures. Well. Maybe I'll scrable something together soon.
Until then- I will enjoy yours.


If this is grafitti, it is gorgeous...


I always love your posts and the beautiful Virgin in blue. Very nice...I now must get off the computer and go sew. tee hee. :) take care.

Kay Dennison

I'm so enjoying the beautiful art and poetry here.

deb taylor

I double dipped again and posted a Saintly Haiku. Rebecca, I miss you so. I am ever so grateful that our worlds collided into each other...and I want more..again, and again.


A neon blue prayer of heart and community – love.


Cinda Rae Oliverio

NEON BLUE MARY, I'll take her anyway I can get her!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo


a rose scented bath
holding hands, a golden shrine
my virgin will come...

xox - eb.


Hello Rebecca!Finally I was able to do my first Virgin a day post!i am happy to have found your blog and love this meme!


This is just thrilling over here -- can't wait until tomorrow!


I love the the luminescent Virgin. She is a shining Star of the Sea for all lost travelers on their respective journeys to find their way back home. She is blue and beautiful and offers peace and respite in a world torn by strife. Lovely! You offer so many unusual and incredibly beautiful images of Guadalupe to us. I am fascinated. I did post. I was in another city tonight with a dear friend visiting his brother in the hospital. His brother has cancer that may be inoperable. Please keep Glenn in your thoughts. I stayed with the virgin theme. Just can't get enough of it now!

Fran Meneley

Love this beautiful electric blue Virgin...she shimmers and hums. Lovely Haiku as well, a beautiful blending of worlds..just breath taking. Love this. xo fran

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