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November 05, 2010


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Cinda Rae Oliverio

GODSPEED all YOU SWEET travelers!! I've missed YOU soOOOOo Rebecca!!! I can't wait to seeeeeeeeeee all those SWEET photos of the festivities and all YOU gals together!!!
xoxoooxooox(((((((Rebecca and her SWEET cmrades))))))

Melanie Bishop

Sorry I posted this in the wrong place below. I am now posting it here.


Kim Mailhot

I can feel the sweet heart goodness flowing up for your retreat to the rest of us. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy !


Bonfire Night, Gunpowder plot.
My 'Nov.5th' accolade was accidental.Sorry.

Good to see you back. Tired no doubt. Hopefully all went well.


I have posted my Friday haiku, although it is Saturday here ;-)Best wishes.


We went on in your absence, but so glad to hear from you. I'm waiting patiently for your return.



I so look forward to Fridays! xoxo


I can hardly wait to see the photos Rebecca. Hope all is okay.


Lovely haiku... Mine is posted on my blog. I apologize for not being able to visit everyone and leave comments... Work has been crazy with travel.


Oh Rebecca! So glad to hear from you. I am sorry. I didn't know that you had posted a link. I posted a temporary one in your absence so people could link up. Now that you are back, I will take it down!! Such a beautiful photo and haiku. I was just trying to take care of the tribe.

James Steerforth

Corazón extraño - one in Spanish.


I love your today’s presentation. Great stuff.
We’re thinking of you.

Best wishes, Boonie

Sue fox

Happy to join the gang welcoming you 'home'.

Love Sue

Thank you for caring and sharing xxx

Ms. Moon

Where you are, woman
There is beauty to be seen.
Not surprisingly.

Brenda Seaholm-Wampler

Can not wait until your return and see all the amazing pictures of the wonderful time you all had! Jealous!!

deb taylor

I am basking in the afterglow of your love-light and surfing the silver waves of your beautiful mane.

ms pie

wishing you wellness and love along the way. may all your dreams come true... haiku my heart.believe"


oh marigold love
light a bright candle 4 me
my spirit is there...

xox - eb.


WElcome home Lovely!


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