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July 01, 2010


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deb taylor

I am in!

deb taylor

who could we? did my windbreath blow into you? did our wishes collide? our stem is no longer naked.....who knew.

Debbie Sager

here is my go at it:

my endless summer
welcomes me with open arms
cuddle me hopeful


I read and feel her pain.
Tears, now flowing free
through the holes in my soul.


It's not up yet, but I have a haiku ready for tomorrow morning.


Beautiful haiku Rebecca. I wait for my Fridays to post my haiku here. Thank you.


Love all the meanings tumbling from your haiku! In some ways, it is like a possible last question of living("releasing my breath") and in other ways it is like reaching a crossroad of choices and judgment within life! Lovely haiku!

Ms. Moon

Thank-you for being such a fine hostess.
Thank-you for that haiku. I wish you lightness in every sense of that holy word.


what a lovely thought to ponder -

Thank you for hosting this Haiku wonderfulness!

Magical Mystical Teacher

be still, know—
breathing forgiveness
hope whispers


Computer not acting up, so haiku is up.

For Uma - I can't seem to leave a message on your blog as I can never read the spam blocker - I think because I see negative space and can't see what I'm supposed to see! Anyway, I did love your offering about the mangoes today!


I just love your photograph and the haiku. I am a huge fan of forgiveness. As a therapist, I often feel that if we could all learn to forgive- we could be happy. That doesn't mean we forget... just let go. Thanks Rebecca! I posted my entry for today!

kim andersen

I love haiku :)


As promised, I have added my link.


this is lovely! into the blue sky they go. i love this photo!


Dearest beloved new sisterfriend, my mind is all a flutter, for my son just arrived home for leave...he proposed, she said yes, and in typical military style, the church wedding will be delayed until December, but they are getting married TODAY!!! JoY JoY JoY!!! Must go purchase a cake! And a card, and roses...perhaps a rainbow with a bucket of bunnies. **blows kisses** Deb

elizabeth bunsen

this one day lily
six arms curve tasting the sun
honey nectar bliss...

xox - eb.


Beautiful Haiku Rebecca! And photo to match.
Have you met Princess Haiku?
She is blogging buddy you should meet!

About me and Haiku~
I've only written one in my life a few years ago.

I can tell it just flows out of you like all of your poetry does, a beautiful gift from God. For you and eb it is as natural as speaking. For me writing down words is a challenge. , a challenge I must prepare for. I do love Haiku. So sort, so complex, so easy so hard.

Less is more!!!!



Can it already be Friday!!!

like summer cotton
blowing wishes to the wind
easily takes flight


Brenda Seaholm Wampler

Beautiful color in that photo. Enjoying reading everyone's Haiku!

Beautiful haiku, wonderful idea... love it...



Hi Rebecca,
I love this week's Haiku-the dandelion clock's lightness is a well chosen accompaniment! I am very late as I have been out, but didn't want to miss it!
Thanks for your lovely comments too!

Cinda Rae Oliverio

Hope I can join in without a pic!!! LOVE this, Rebecca!!!A prayer in my heart for YOU today!!! MUAH!

elizabeth bunsen

we are haikuing
over here - David and me
two in the basket...

(ready now for next and next weeks)

first lines only:

this best aroma...

and random beach rock held...

wait and see/hear

love you haiku queen,

xox - eb.

elizabeth bunsen

ps - got lilies...

xox - eb.


Yet another meme,
One more way to show off all
My old photographs.



This looks like fun! I came from Kimmie's blog.

abi monroe

Oh my gosh.... I got there in the end... a power cut at 1am right in the middle of my post ruined it all!!!
Now, where did I put my Coffee...

Thanks Rebecca :O)

jabblog uk

Dandelion clocks,
Every seed carries a wish,
Dreams, hopes and comfort.

Beautiful photograph and haiku :-)


Do you have a button to link back to you? I'd love to have a Haiku Friday button on my side bar...

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