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June 19, 2010


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Ms. Moon

If you came into my house you would see
So many Marys that you would wonder if I
Were Catholic but no
Not even close
But a worshipper of the Mother
Vessel of all Life
Blesser of all hearts
And she is on shelves and walls,
An altar in the hallway and
Around my neck (both in silver and gold, depending)
And you would feel at home
As I feel in your words
And in your pictures.
Thank-you for offering that other home for me
To worship in.


What a wonderful vibrant memory. I too was a paperboy. I lived in Chicago back then, (didn't leave for the wilds of the Northwoods until I was 25, and also never looked back). I saw the early mornings, heard the birds start their songs, saw the first light of day. (I have a prayer to thank Creator for that first light.)
I also love the Blessed Mother, especially Our Lady of Guadalupe, and have a collection of sorts.
As I travel, I take the small roads and drive through towns. I seek the Mary statues. I look for the ingenious ways of display, the bathtubs or small house-like grottos.
I was raised Catholic, but can't do organized religion in any form, yet, like you, revere Our Lady.
I'll be thinking of my paper routes all day. In fact, I'll write a story about them soon, I promise.
Thanks, and a peaceful day to you my friend.



What a gorgeous story, Rebecca - very captivating and compelling. The Mother comes to all of us in different ways - I first remember her as a young girl, not in the Catholic church, but in a rose. My mind was troubled at such a young age and I was drawn to a beautiful rose and, there, I saw Her - and She told me that all would be well in life and not to worry. I believed Her without question - and still do.

(BTW - Comcast threw my email into limbo - long story. I cannot remember your email address and the link in your blog won't work for me as Safari mail is with the Delphyne email. My new and temporary one is Kathyrobles49 at comcast dot net. Would you send me an email so that I can add you, once again, to my address book? xoxo)

Griselda Tello

Ohh how moving, how very true it rings in my heart. I feel this way often in any shrine, but more so if it is The Virgen of Guadalupe and the small grotto's they make of The Virgen of Lourdes...I felt the same during my visit to Thailand, while entering the temples, I think it is the call of The Divine, the seeds of faith seem to bloom inside while we contemplate...I feel it even now as I read your story. Thanks for sharing it with us. Bright Blessings to your day.

cathy mckean

this is such a powerful story - tears are streaming! thank-you

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